Be Part of the Solution: Say ‘No’ to non-recyclable takeout containers

Everyday should be Earth Day! You do your part to contribute to the solution. Women Mind the Water ( has created this guide to help you reduce trash consumption when purchasing takeout or bringing leftovers home from a restaurant.

Below is a list of things of what you can do at home to reduce your footprint when consuming takeout food. Carry the second list with you. Share it with your local restaurant. Help them switch to recyclable/renewable take-out containers.


Do some research: Find out what containers can and can’t be recycled in your area. Check on your local sanitation department’s website. 

Don’t assume something can be recycled: Just because a container has a recycling symbol,  doesn’t mean it can be recycled where you live.

Give ‘em a good rinse: Make sure items to be recycled are clean. Residual food waste, especially grease, can cause it to become unrecyclable. Cardboard pizza boxes CANNOT be recycled if soiled with oil and cheese. Remove the portion of the box that is free from oil and cheese. Recycle the clean part with your cardboard.

Can’t say something, then say ‘No’: If you are uncomfortable asking your local eatery to stop using plastic, switch restaurants.

Say ‘No’ to plastic utensils: When you place a takeout order, let the restaurant know you don’t want plastic silverware.

Return plastic bags: Return plastic bags to stores that recycle, otherwise reuse them. Better yet, request a paper bag or bring a cloth bag from home.

Be an advocate: Tell your local restaurant to avoid plastic takeout. Carry the list below with you. Give it to the restaurant manager to help them make the right choice.


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More and more consumers, like me, are opting for environmentally friendly products. Our decisions’ impact the environment. Single-use items are poor choices. I urge you to use eco-friendly containers. You can be an important influence by converting to containers made from materials other than plastic.

There are better alternatives to the takeout containers your restaurant is using. Please opt for biodegradable packaging made of paper, bamboo or recycled plastics. The plastic packaging you are using typically ends up in landfills or our waterways and release harmful particles into the environment.

Many of your vendors may already offer environmentally friendly options. If they don’t, find another vendor.

Here’s a list of takeout containers that CANNOT be recycled:  

Polystyrene foam - sometimes known as Styrofoam®. Polystyrene clamshells, plates and cups are all trash.

Black plastic containers: They may be made from recycled materials, making them somewhat eco-friendly. They are trash.  

Coated paper takeout containers - Paper takeout containers or boxes that are coated with a layer to make them “waterproof” are unrecyclable.

Utensils & accessories - Plastic utensils, condiment packets, and the bags they are wrapped in are trash.

Plastic bags - Plastic bags are dangerous. When placed in with recycled items they tangle up sorting equipment, damage or break recycling equipment, and put workers at risk of harm.

Here’s a list of takeout containers that CAN be recycled. Say ‘Yes’ to:  

Aluminum containers

Paper or cardboard containers

Paper bags



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